Top 5 Ecommerce Trends For 2020; And How to Utilise Them

Where has the time gone? 

The eCommerce industry is continually growing and evolving, influencing the customer journey in ways we’ve yet to see. That being said, here’s what we do know about the most prominent trends to come in 2020.

Personalisation matters

Customers want to feel connected to a brand, a person, not a robot. So sending an email recommending ten varieties of slow cookers after Sally bought on five days prior won’t cut it. 33% of customers have ended their relationship with a business because of insufficient or no personalisation in place. Consider implementing cart recommendations based on their purchases and searches. With the help of our Magento Ecommerce agency in UK, you can achieve all of it. In email campaigns, address your customer by name and ask them feedback on their purchases. We all want to a part of something, and it shows as 48% of buyers actually spend more with a brand when they’re given a personalised shopping experience.

Voice Commerce

Time is money. That’s why by 2020, voice commerce is predicted to generate over £35 billion in the U.S alone. vCommerce is becoming more popular with customers with its ease of access, closely following mCommerce. Retailers should act promptly on this trend to be one step ahead of the competition.

Rise of eCommerce in non-western countries

Once a retail titan, the United States’ share of the total global eCommerce retail market is projected to decrease by as much as 16.9% in 2020. India, China, South Africa and Russia have seen a boom in their economy, and it’s forecast that they’re going to be essential players in the future of eCommerce. 20% of all retail sales in 2022 will emerge from those currently residing in these emerging markets. So there’s huge potential. Consider making your site multilingual with our Magneto eCommerce agency in UK to reach these exciting prospects!

New Payment Options

“’Mo variants of currency, ‘mo problems” as a wise poet once said. Digital wallets, such as Google Pay, Paypal, Apple or Samsung Pay are broadly realised by eCommerce retailers, and it would be foolish for you to think it’s just a fad. These digital services enable customers to open their digital wallet more effortlessly in your store, creating a smooth and non-turbulent shopping experience. It’s predicted that cash and cards will become redundant as these will be the prominent force by 2030.

Social Shopping

With mobile phones enveloping our lives from morning to night, it no surprise that social media has become a part of the customer journey. Since social media platforms started integrating their platforms with buy buttons, it’s becoming an eCommerce force to be reckoned with. More than a quarter of consumers are now making their next purchase only a scroll away from an aunt twice removed, sharing her hot take on the inflation of butter in her local shop. With everyone and their dog currently on a social media platform (2.65 billion estimated in 2018), it would be wise to implement this into your marketing and sales strategy.

As the eCommerce world continues to evolve and grow, as should you. It’s vital that in order to be one step ahead of the competition, you need to be open to learning where you can, wherever you can.

If you have any questions about anything discussed in this blog or if you’d like to chat about a project, feel free to get in touch. We’re always happy to help businesses reach and surpass their eCommerce potential.